Dog Friendly Info and Tips from the DNR
We love Tucker the Wonder Dog. He’s been a part of the family for almost his entire life; we adopted him from the Little Traverse Bay Humane Society in November of 2006, when “Sausage,” as they called him, was just (barely) old enough to be adopted.
The name Sausage is appropriate because we’re not sure what went into him; the LTBHS best-guess is that he’s part Australian Shepherd and “some kind of terrier.”
All we know is that Tucker loves to bark and chase balls, and is always trying to be the lead dog, whether it’s going from the front of the house to the back, or racing down the steps, or on a long walk. He’s great on car trips, but most of our travel with him has been directly to and from Blue Skies, our place in the Upper Peninsula. Only occasionally have we stayed in a hotel, motel or cabin and experienced trying to sightsee or eat in a restaurant with the dog along for the ride. Someday we may get the hang of the art of traveling with Tucker. In the meantime, I found this to be good information to keep handy and to share from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources:
Pet-friendly Opportunities in Michigan State Parks