The (nearly) naked truth about the Pure Michigan tourism advertising campaign is that it works, as evidenced by 26 beauties in bikinis on the sandy…

It’s to Ishpeming and this part of the Upper Peninsula what the Coney Island hot dog is to Detroit and Lower Michigan. When in the…

About 16 years ago a 30-something guy in the Upper Peninsula with a big imagination and a talent for welding quits drinking and starts making…

If you’re a resident of Quebec you can stop reading right now. For some reason you’re not eligible for the MI Pace Car Sweepstakes. Other…

Photo Above: An example of el trabejo rustico, the art of crafting concrete to look like wood Looking for a concrete answer to the question,…

Yes, there is a Java Joe. At least in the a.m. each day. “He’s Joe in the morning, Jose in the evening,” says Brooklyn, my…

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Detroit is a sports town, whether its four pro teams are delivering heart-stopping thrills and keeping jersey-clad fans glued to game coverage—or not. It’s been…

Hamburg ~ Pickle On Top ~ Makes Your Heart Go Flippity Flop! You have to love a joint that not only plasters that little ditty,…