Detroit’s Eastern Market, a local landmark in the heart of the city that’s been a farmer’s market and gathering place since 1891, has been enjoying…

What’s in the water in Ohio that it is the home of eight U.S. Presidents? Michigan claims just one Commander in Chief: Gerald R. Ford,…

For centuries artists have interpreted the natural beauty of America’s wild and remote places, and creative folks are encouraged to continue that tradition through more…

As winter struts its stuff across the land, thoughts—and appetites—turn to a hearty soup simmering on the stove. Maybe that’s why January is designated National…

President Andrew Jackson added the 26th star to Old Glory on January 26, 1837, when he granted Michigan statehood. But the designation didn’t come easy,…

It’s late April and Michigan is in dire straits. The governor has appealed to Washington for federal assistance. No, I’m not referring to Jennifer Granholm…

With a crop of about 30.5 million bushels of apples in 2024, Michigan orchards held onto the state’s status as second to Washington in U.S….

Who (besides vegetarians) doesn’t love a good meatball? I have no interest in doing the research on meat-substitute balls, although they no doubt have their…

On a stormy November evening 49 years ago, the crew of the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald, 29 men who thought they were on the last run of…

HAPPY PI DAY! Who says you have to celebrate with a sweet treat? I prefer a savory pie. When the snow and cold call for…