Whether or not you live in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, if you care about the U.P. as a place to visit, work, go to school—or just appreciate…

A few weeks ago my dear cousin Elaine told me a wild and weird story that seems appropriate to share on this day, the third…

So you know Michigan? Test your observational skills with the Great Lakes Gazette feature, Where? Wednesday. On occasional Wednesdays I’ll post a photo and offer…

Pumpkins are central to our Halloween tradition and Thanksgiving heritage, and very much a part of the Great Lakes region’s autumn landscape. Illinois, the nation’s top…

Finnish cuisine isn’t likely (never say never) to have a following to rival the popularity of Italian, Mexican, Chinese and Mediterranean foods—and French, of course….

Cold enough for you? Imagine working on the U.S. Coast Guard Icebreaker Mackinaw WAGB-83 as she and her crew cut through the frozen waters of…

While whipping up an applesauce bread found in an old Country Inn Cookbook that includes a recipe from the Botsford Inn, I wondered what was…

Michigan is home to one of the largest herds of elk east of the Mississippi, with most of the animals living in the northern Lower…

Chicago’s Newberry Library is presenting a different view of the U.S. Civil War as it commemorates the sesquicentennial of the War Between the States in…

It’s probably safe to assume that when John, Paul, George and Ringo recorded their first album it didn’t occur to them that a half-century later…